Enough of Duck Bus, please!

The Duck Bus has sunk in Liverpool (UK). According to Jalopnic, the ghastly machine that once drove through Sydney streets is at the bottom of a river in the UK. I am glad that nobody died, and I wish all of the people who were involved in this accident a speedy recovery. Please let this be the last of these tourist traps masquerading as Fun Things To Do On Your Holiday. I am probably kidding myself that this is the same bus as we had in Sydney; but the alternative, that there are more of these hideous contraptions around the world, is just too horrible to imagine. I can remember these things on George Street, with the driver happily sounding the quacking horn to attract more tourists, and recall myself wishing that the thing would just float out of the Heads and sink. Let’s leave it at the bottom of the Mersey, and hope it stays there. However, gold star to the posts, some of them were very good:

1 – Hull Plugs, People, Hull Plugs.
2 – Cause of the accident was a quack in the hull.
3 – The boat is sinking! Quick, everybody, duck paddle.

Did I mention that I have a questionable sense of humour?