Started to look around for a new car. I had my E250 for over 3 years and its time for a change. This car will be hard to trade in. Discounting my SLK this had been a car that I simply loved. Two door, but four seats, so enough space to carry oversized handbag, brief case heavy enough to be compared to medium sized house plus two rear seats that fold down to carry my pushbike to Centennial Park because I am just too much of coward to cycle on the roads, or is that too lazy? I can never make up my mind what is the truer statement. One of the serious contenders was a Porsche Cayman, took one for a spin and thought that the decision was made there and then. It is truly a fabulous car. The only thing that set a niggling doubt in my mind, it is a two seater with very little room. I know its mid-engine and there is space in the front and back, but memories of my SLK kept flooding back. Don’t get me wrong my SLK was brilliant, but I remembered in winter having to do three runs to the dry cleaners to pick up my dry cleaning. Also memories of a picnic organised amongst friends had people making fun of me for months as all I could carry was a small picnic basket and half a dozen bottles of Moet did not win me very many brownie points. The Moet shut them up, but not long enough. Yes there are four seater Porsche’s and they are fabulous, but out of my price range new and second hand worries me that I could be taking on somebody’s else’s problems. One of my neighbours has a bright yellow 911T Porsche from the 1980’s and I lost count the amount of times I have seen her broken down on the side of the road. If you don’t look after these cars and maintain them they just turn into a bottomless money pit. So, what else is there? Back to Macintosh just as the new CLA45 AMG become available. So, here I am eating humble pie, big time. There is a 12 months waiting list, but I am ok with that. I had to wait for all of my Mercs, so no big deal. Just one more thing, having learned the lesson with my E250 the new car is white. Don’t’ get me wrong I am under no illusion that white is easy to keep clean. It’s just that despite my car always being garaged the black is impossible to keep clean. It’s a good thing I love the coffee at Awash.